There are 8 registered Political Party in the Electoral Commissions’ Register of Political Parties. 


Name of Party

Party Leader

Registered address of office

Independent Conservative Union Seychelles Mr. Mariam Vandagne La Retraite, Mahe
Lafors Sosyal Demokratik Mr. Jimmy Gabriel N/A
Linyon Demokratik Seselwa Mr. Roger Mancienne Lakaz Seselwa Mont Fleuri
Linyon Sanzman Mr. Martin Aglae N/A
One Seychelles Mr. Yvon Esther Room 2, 2nd Floor, Olivier Maradan Building,
Olivier Maradan Street
Seychelles United Movement Mr. Maarco Francis House of Francis

Seychelles National Alliance Party (SNAP)

Vincent Padayachy Unique Building Providence

United Seychelles

Mr. Patrick Herminie

Maison Du Peuple, Bois de Rose, Victoria



Seychelles Party for Social Justice and Democracy 

Rights to vote

Every person registered as a voter in an electoral area is entitle to vote, in accordance with the Act, at an election or at a referendum in the electoral area.

How to Vote

  • Go to the polling station in the electoral area where you are registered to vote

  • When you enter the polling Station, you will be guided straight to the Assistant Electoral Officer (AEO).

  • The AEO will check if you have not voted already by verifying if there is no indelible ink on your left thumb nail and/or invisible ink on your forefinger.

  • You will then identify yourself to the AEO by calling your name in such a tone for the election personnel, candidates, polling agents to hear and produce your National Identity Card and other I.D. to the AEO.

  • When your name has been found on the Electoral Register, the AEO will call out the page number, the serial number and your particulars/polling agents to hear.

  • A second AEO will then put indelible marking on the base of your fingernail or left thumb, invisible ink on the left forefinger and perforate/stamp a ballot paper and hand this over to you and advise you to and advise you to proceed to any vacant polling booth.

  • In the polling booth you will make a mark, with the felt-marker, in the box provided on the ballot paper, against the name of the candidate of your choice 

  • You will then fold the ballot paper conveniently so as not to reveal your choice and then move out of the polling booth.

  • You will then be directed towards the ballots box in which you will drop your ballot paper where all can see and leave the polling station.

The Following Transactions can be done at the Registration Centers

1-Registration of new voters.
2-Placing objections against a person registered in your electoral area.
3-Transfer from one electoral area to another.
4-Corrections in name, NIN and Date of Birth.

The Register of Voters remains open to the public throughout the year for inspection.  



Qualifications required for a person to register as a voter are as follows-:

A Person who:

(a) Is a citizen of Seychelles,

(b) Is 18 years or over,

(c) Resides in an electoral area,

(d) Is not registered as voter in another electoral area,

(e) Is not disqualified from registering as a voter under any written law,

(f) Is not serving a sentence of imprisonment of or exceeding 6 months imposed by a Court in Seychelles,

(g) Is not under any written law adjudged (decided officially by law) or otherwise declared to be of unsound mind 

(h) Is in possession of a valid ID Card.


Requirement for Registration

(a) National Identity Card with ID Photo

(b) Marriage Certificate; where a change of name should be effected.

(c) Divorce Certificate; where a change of name should be effected.

(d) Naturalization Certificate; where a person who has become a Seychelles citizen applies to be register as a voter.

(e) Birth Certificate; where there is a discrepancy in the spelling of the voter’s name.

The Electoral Commission is advising all citizens turning 18 this year that they need to personally register their names on the Register of Voters in their respective electoral areas. Names of citizens turning 18 will not automatically appear on the Register of Voters. It is imperative that they register for their names to appear on the Register of Voters according to the qualifications and requirements stipulated according to the Elections Act Chapter 68A and Elections (Amendment) Act, 2014.

The Office of the Electoral Commission is calling on all eligible voters to take their responsibility and participate in the registration exercise.