
The Register of Voters remains open to the public throughout the year as per the Elections (Amendment)Act, 2014. Registration Centres has been set up per region for the registration of voters, transfer of voters from one electoral area to another, changes in demographic (personal) information, objections and inspection of the voter register.

The Registration Centres are operational from Monday to Friday as from 9.00 a.m to 3.00.p.m, (except on public holidays). The public can also inspect the Register of Voters in their respective electoral areas during working hours at the District Administration Offices. The Register of Voters will remain open throughout the year for the following applications:

-Registration of new voters
-For making objections
-Transfer of voters from one electoral area to another
-Formaking changes in the demographic information.

The Registration Centres are located in the following areas:


1. Electoral Commission's Office, Suite 203, Aarti Chambers, Mont Fleuri. (for Anse Etoile, English River, Mont Buxton, St Louis, Bel Air, Mont Fleuri, PLaisance, Roche Caiman, Les Mamelles and all other electoral areas in Seychelles.

2. Beau Vallon District Administration Office (for Beau Vallon, Bel Ombre and Glacis)

3. Anse Aux Pins District Administration (for Anse Aux Pins, Cascade and Pointe Larue)

4. Anse Royale District Administration (for Anse Royal, Aux Cap and Takamaka)

5. Anse Boileau District Administartion (for Anse Boileau, Baie Lazare, Grand Anse Mahe and Port Glaud)



Baie St Anne Praslin District Administration (Baie St Anne Praslin, Grand Anse Praslin)

La Digue

La Digue and Inner Island

Qualifications required for a person to register as a voter are as follows-:
A Person who:

(a) Is a citizen of Seychelles,

(b) Is 18 years and over,

(c) Resides in an electoral area,

(d) Is not registered as voter in another electoral area,

(e) Is not disqualified from registering as a voter at any election under any written law,

(f) Is not serving a sentence of imprisonment of or exceeding 6 months imposed by a Court in Seychelles,

(g) Is not under any written law adjudged (decided officially by law) or otherwise declared to be of unsound mind or detained as a criminal lunatic or at the pleasure of the President; Is entitled to be registered as a voter in the electoral area where he resides.

All Seychellois nationals who are 18 years old and over and who are in possession of a National Identity Card have their names on the register of voters. The Register of Voters shall contain the names of persons who, otherwise qualified to be registered as voters, would attain the age of eighteen years on any day within the fifteen months next following the first January of the year for which the register is prepared or revised together with the date on which the person would attain the age of 18 years specified against the name of each such person.

Until the date specified against a name of a person referred to above, that person shall not by virtue of entry of the name in the register be treated as a voter for any purposes other than the purpose of an election or referendum of which the date fixed for the election or referendum is the date or a later date.

Requirement for Registration
(a) National Identity Card.

(b) Marriage Certificate; where a change of name should be effected.

(c) Divorce Certificate; where a change of name should be effected.

(d) Naturalization Certificate; where a person who has become a Seychelles citizen applies to be register as a voter.

(e) Birth Certificate; where there is a discrepancy in the spelling of the voter’s name.

The Electoral Commission is advising all citizens turning 18 this year that they need to personally register their names on the Register of Voters in their respective electoral areas. Names of citizens turning 18 will not automatically appear on the Register of Voters. It is imperative that they register for their names to appear on the Register of Voters according to the qualifications and requirements stipulated according to the Elections Act Chapter 68A and Elections (Amendment) Act, 2014.

The Office of the Electoral Commission is calling on all eligible voters to take their responsibility and participate in the registration exercise.

The Registration Centres are located in the following areas:


1-Electoral Commission Head Office, Mont Fleuri (For all electoral areas)

Call +248 4295555 FAX +248 4324968
8am - 4pm Monday - Friday
Saturday Sunday Closed

2-Grand Anse Praslin St Mathew Hall (for Baie St Anne Praslin, Grand Anse Praslin)
Call +248 4232829

Call +248 4236114

8am - 4pm Monday - Friday
Saturday Sunday Closed 

3- La Passe La Digue District Administration (Inner Islands)
Call +248 4234233
8am - 4pm Monday - Friday
Saturday Sunday Closed 



Right to vote

Every person registered as a voter in an electoral area is entitled to vote, in accordance with the Act, at an election or at a referendum.

How to Vote

  • Go to the polling station in the electoral area where you are registered to vote
  • When you enter the polling Station, you will be guided straight to the Assistant Electoral Officer (AEO).
  • The AEO will check if you have not voted already by verifying if there is no indelible ink on your left thumb nail and/or invisible ink on your forefinger.
  • You will then identify yourself to the AEO by calling your name in such a tone for the election personnel, candidates, polling agents to hear and produce your National Identity Card or any other I.D. to the AEO.
  • When your name has been found on the Electoral Register, the AEO will call out the page number, the serial number and your particulars/polling agents to hear.
  • A second AEO will then put indelible marking on the base of your fingernail or left thumb, invisible ink on the left forefinger and perforate/stamp a ballot paper and hand this over to you and advise you to and advise you to proceed to any vacant polling booth.
  • In the polling booth you will make a mark, with the felt-marker, in the box provided on the ballot paper, against the name of the Presidential candidate of your choice or National assembly candidates.
  • You will then fold the ballot paper conveniently so as not to reveal your choice and then move out of the polling booth.
  • You will then be directed towards the ballots box in which you will drop your ballot paper where all can see and leave the polling station






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